As you know, the Angel School of Dance is one of the few dance schools in the area that not only offer MT Syllabus teaching but also run BBO MT examinations. 

Over the past few weeks Miss Angela and one of her colleagues have been trying to persuade the BBO to create a Musical Theatre Pre-primary Syllabus for 3 to 5-year olds.  There are many children in this age group that enjoy musical movement and dance but do not enjoy the discipline and structure of Ballet.  

We are now pleased to announce that they (BBO) have now agreed to do just this, however, they have asked us to let them know what music to use. As a result, we would like to invite all our students to email us their music suggestions and we will then pass them on to the BBO.  A good number of our seniors now have their own families and we would very much like to know what music their little ones enjoy.  Please ensure your suggestions are age appropriate.

Now the BBO have agreed we would like to maintain the momentum so if you could let us have your suggestions by the end of April then they can start creating the syllabus.  You never know, it may be ready for us to add to our autumn class timetable!

Thank you in anticipation

Angela & Pat